Ladies Day Out will raise funds for women”™s safe haven in Arthur

A Celebrate Spring Ladies Day Out will be held on April 21 at the Drayton Reformed Church from 9:30am to 2pm. Registration begins at 8:30am.

Funds raised at the event will support the work of Beauty for Ashes Transformation House (BATH), which provides a safe haven, counselling, resources, housing and a family structure for women who are exiting human trafficking, the sex trade and addiction.

The event will include workshops on a variety of topics and interests.

“There will be make-and-take crafts for those women who love the creative side of things,” organizers state.

“There will be raffle prizes and a chance to connect with other women in our community as we raise funds for women who are also on a path for new beginnings in their lives.”

Tickets are $39, including workshops and lunch.  There is an additional cost of $20 to participate in the make-and-take crafts. For information/tickets, visit or call Karen at 519-546-4763 or Liesje at 519-437-7383.
